Friday, May 8, 2020

The Quest for Multiple Internships Is it Really Beneficial to Have More Than One - CareerAlley

The Quest for Multiple Internships Is it Really Beneficial to Have More Than One - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. A professional internshipprovides an invaluable opportunity for young professionals to gain insight into their industry of interest. Each internship brings vital exposure to new experiences and gives the intern the ability to learn from those experiences. With an extremely competitive workforce, many young people have discovered the need to set their sights high. It is important to create a resume that will stand out from the others. This brings to light the question that many young college graduates have asked, How many internships should one have? Deciding between one internship or multiple internships According to a study reported in SAM Advanced Management Journal in 2000, only 2 percent of university graduates in 1985 had participated in an internship program. This number increased dramatically to over 75 percent in 2000. Research performed by Experience Inc. described how the number of students that had at least three internships doubled from 2003 to 2004. As thecompetition in the industry increases, so too must the applicants experience and exposure if they plan on being considered for the position. Why have multiple internships? There are many reasons why having more than one internship could prove to be advantageous when seeking a position in your field of interest, including the following: Experience: Experience is key when seeking a job. Listing several internships on your resume will show employers that you have extensive experience in the field, and know how to get the job done. Exposure: Exposure to multiple areas in the industry can add diversity to a resume. Rather than master a single aspect of a career, why not gain experience in several areas? Youll show the employer that you are flexible and can be mobile within the company. Networking: It is crucial to meet as many influential people as possible. You never know when a simple connection could lead to an amazing position. The more internships you have, the more highly qualified professionals you are exposed to and have the chance to network with. Reputation: Working with several reputable and prestigious companies will show potential employers that you have learned from the best. Those who learn from professional masters can become experts in the field as well. Job Opportunities: With each new internship comes a possible job opportunity. Many companies hire interns that make a dramatic impression. Think of an internship as a long job interview. Show the company what you have to offer, and they may want to make you apermanent part of the team. Where to Find an Internship: There are many resources you can leverage to find an internship: College Career Office: Your college career office is a great resource when trying to find an internship. Leverage their resources and connections before looking online. Internships, Apprenticeships, Volunteer Opportunities This is Riley Guides internship resource page. There are lots of resources on this page. Land the Perfect Internship is the tagline on this site. They have a very good search engine and this site was on Forbes top ten career websites. Book Corner [easyazon_link asin=B004W3FJ3Y locale=US new_window=default nofollow=default tag=caree07-20 add_to_cart=default cloaking=default localization=default popups=default]All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience[/easyazon_link] Where to draw the line While many graduates are anxiously trying to pack in as many internships as possible, it is important to never take more than you can handle. In order maximize the knowledge and experience you gain from each internship opportunity, make sure that you can give every task 100 percent. Keep in mind that you want to impress each employer. Becoming overwhelmed may cause you to ruin your internship and whatever job opportunity you may have had. You have invested a substantial amount of money and time into your education and degree. Make sure that you continue to strive for excellence by mastering multiple internships. Doing so will make you more marketable and attractive to potential employers. We are always eager to hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions regarding CareerAlley content. Good luck in your search,Joey Google+ what where job title, keywords or company city, state or zip jobs by

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